Tuesday, November 1, 2016


New media fosters creativity because it allows people to think of new innovative ideas that can expand technologies to a higher level. For instance, people/inventors of different social networks, applications, music, websites, video games, smartphones, etc., are always looking for ways to increase new media and enhance technology. 
The result of new media changing rapidly allows people to think more creatively and then it is implemented within our society. It's why apple iPhones are so popular and everyone feels as if they should own one. Each time when the newer version of the older version is released there is a different and more upgraded spec about the device. 
Also, we see this way of technology changing and it becoming popular within our social networking sites. 
According to the online article  'Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers", by  

Companies big and small monitor Twitter to find out what their customers like and what they want changed. Twitter does the same.....
           It started two years ago as a bare-bones service, offering little more than the ability to post 140-                    character messages. Then, it outsourced its idea generation to its users. The company watches how              people use the service and which ideas catch on. Then its engineers turn the ideas into new                            features. In the next several weeks, Twitter users will discover two new features, Lists and Retweets, 
           that had the same user-generated beginnings." 

The article goes on to explain how it's twitter followers helped to create new ideas to enhance and/or improve the social networking site. Many companies use its consumers to help implement innovative ideas. The article states, "Technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. This is in large part because the Internet lets people exchange ideas easily and rapidly with large groups, and computing tools let people design new products cheaply." 

As long as ideas will continue to be easily shared throughout certain mediums, new media/technology will be created and new ideas will be implemented within our society that we will follow.

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